Hi, I’m Jackie!(she/her)

I want to share a bit of my story with you in the hopes it will let you know you’re not alone, and that healing is possible and so, so worth it.

Growing up, I felt incredibly alone and invisible. I allowed others to treat me poorly and talk down to me because I didn’t know anything different. I thought abuse = being in a relationship. I found ways to protect myself from feeling hurt - substance use, numbing out, cutting calories, living small and staying quiet.

Over the years, there was always this small voice whispering to me there must be more to life than this. There were still those other parts of me whispering (well more like yelling) yeah right- you’re stupid, you don’t matter, no one cares about you. This internal battle led me to the practice of yoga and going to therapy.

This is where I learned to sit with feelings instead of run away from them and acknowledge the hurt I experienced. At first it sucked, but slowly the tension started to release and I could breathe easier. I learned that it wasn’t my fault. The stories I told myself about who I am became more empowering and hopeful.

Healing our wounds is possible, and it can be MESSY and beautiful at the same time. I’m unlearning my trauma wounds every day in new ways. Wherever you are in this process, I see you. I am here with you. And I’d be deeply honored to share this experience with you.

A bit more about me:

I’m a trauma-based psychotherapist and social worker, yoga student & teacher, new momma, proud Asian American, cisgender, straight female. Some of my favorite things in life are: a campfire with pals and burnt mallows, Sylvan Esso dance parties, petting any dog who will let me, and meditation by a sunny window.

“Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence.”

—Peter Levine